Which airport is the closest to Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?The property is located 70 km from Lamezia Terme airport.
Is airport shuttle provided by Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?Bus shuttle is one of the services offered by the property. Please inform the hotel staff about your estimated arrival time.
Can I have breakfast at Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?Yes, a continental breakfast is available for guests.
Is breakfast included in Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia) rates?Yes, breakfast is included. For more details, don`t hesitate to contact the hotel staff.
What is the cancellation policy in Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?This property provides free cancellation.
What is the earliest and the latest I can check-in at Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?You can check in from 16:00 till 22:30 on your day of arrival.
What is the earliest and the latest I can check-out at Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?You can check out till 10:00.
How far is Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia) from the city centre?The city centre is located 3 km away.
How much is the airport shuttle service in Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?The bus shuttle is provided for free.
What is the cost of breakfast in Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?Property guests can have breakfast for free.
Is free internet provided in Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?Yes, it provides internet for free.
What landmarks can I find in vicinity of Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?Torre Ruffa is worth visiting, plus it is set about a 10-minute ride away.
How can I spend my leisure time at Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?You can make use of flat-screen TV and a bar provided on site.
Can I have lunch or dinner next to Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?Yes, you can have a meal at Eden and Quattro Scogli Restaurant located about 500 metres away.
How much does it cost to stay at Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?The prices start at €162.
What room types are available at Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?Such room types as Budget Double Room, Standard Double Room and Junior Suite Sea View are available on site.
Is there any public transport close to Le Terrazze Capo Vaticano Santa Maria (Vibo Valentia)?Yes, there is Hotel Stella Marina Grotticelle bus stop within 900 metres away.